Until advances in technology make it possible to create blood, we must live with this simple fact of life - blood is one commodity that cannot be manufactured except within the human body. This resource is available only when individuals volunteer to make a donation. The available blood supply is maintained through donations from volunteers at blood drives.

Massachusetts Masonry is proud to continue our support for the American Red Cross while fulfilling our pledge of service to our brethren, their families, and our communities. This collective effort is in large part responsible for the establishment of an available supply of blood for all patients in the northeast.

Over the years, the Masonic Blood Donor Program has grown and experienced many changes. Years ago, it was designed to be similar to a bank account, whereby we could only take out from it what we put into it. At the Red Cross, technology and years of experience have created a much more efficient and structured organization. Now, the Massachusetts Regional Red Cross provides blood for most Massachusetts hospitals. Understandably, the program is as successful as the volunteer donors make it. Consequently, every lodge and every district in Massachusetts is designed to have a Blood Program.

An effective Blood Chairman should be a blood donor or former donor, and extremely interested in advancing the Blood Donor Program. He should consider having assistants who, because of medical restrictions or other reasons might not be able to donate but wishes to assist in the program. They would incorporate a system listing the names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. to communicate notices for upcoming blood drives, as well as to give thanks and acknowledgements for their support. In addition to maintaining records for the Masonic membership, records might be added with similar information for family members and friends of the fraternity.

To grow this program, it is suggested for those who cannot donate, efforts be made to enlist their friends, neighbors, fellow workers and others to donate for them. Also, acknowledgement and recognition with certificates or gallon pins are an excellent way to promote this program and to honor those who have given their time and effort, along with their gift of life. Recognition to brethren and friends of Masonry is entirely appropriate and the pins are available through the Grand Lodge Supply Department and from the Red Cross.

To receive recognition, donors should contact the American Red Cross Donor Services and request a copy of their donations record and submit it to the Lodge or District Blood Chairman. This is a wonderful means to promote Masonic Awareness through Masonic Service.

(Note: Blood donor gallonage pins are available free of charge from the Grand Lodge Masonic Service Department for recognition of donors, both Masonic and friends of Masonry.)

The Blood Donor Program is a key aspect to the Masonic Service Program and as such, it is listed first, among our Top Ten branches of service. Blood Donors, through their selfless act of generosity, allow hospitals across the region to treat patients, thereby sustaining, prolonging and improving lives. Masonry in Massachusetts has long been a strong supporter of the American Red Cross and is justifiably proud to continue this vital element of Masonic Service


The Lodge Master, Secretary, Blood or Service Chairman should contact the American Red Cross Donor Services - Massachusetts Region, 180 Rustcraft Road, Dedham, MA 02026, 1-800-GIVE LIFE. The recruitment services department will assist in referral to the nearest local donor center or give the necessary assistance to help the Lodge sponsor a local blood drive.