A non-resident member, if not kept in touch with regularly, may very easily lose interest in his home Lodge. Without the personal touch associated with Lodge attendance and fraternizing with members of his Masonic family may quickly form the habit of non-attendance and lose interest. Even though he may receive his calendar each month and a bill for dues each year, a correspondence group may, through a personal or news letter, retain his Masonic interest and perhaps inspire him to knock at the door of a Lodge in his present town or residence.
If on the other hand a consistent follow through is maintained with the Grand Lodge Service Department, notification of the brother's presence can be sent to the local Lodge, and the hospitality thus promoted may cement the brother's interest in his mother Lodge more firmly than ever.
The computer can generate excellent reports of out of the local area members and if a large number of members are in the same state, one of these members might enjoy being the contact for that area.
Along these lines, a Lodge might consider contacting resident members of out of town lodges. In every community there are Masons belonging to out of town Lodges whom a Service Committee might find receptive of any fellowship the local Lodge might care to extend to them. The Grand Secretary's office can give the Lodge a printout of Masons residing in certain zip code areas. After the local Lodge members are screened out the remainder of the area Masons could be invited to your Lodge thereby gaining new friends, cementing Masonic ties and possibly new affiliate members. A Service Committee might very well list all known Masons, not members of their Lodge, and include them in the organizational structure of their own Lodge set-up, so that members might phone or contact them regularly. This is an excellent way of extending service to every Mason in the community and it may result in better attendance and increased fellowship.